Infoline: Savage Grounds - Body Weight Compressor
Music Review by @littlevanyaMay 22, 2020
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Savage Grounds are Zurich based Daniele Cosmo and Contra Communem Opinionem–with their EP on an Les Points sub-label, Infoline. Infolines goal is to break open that standard by collaborating with designers, artists and musicians to find the improbable within the limit.
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5
1. Tortured Love
Beautiful groove. sounds like your at the discotheque somewhere in the 80s. You having eye contact with the girl on the different side of the dance floor, coming closer to her taking her waist and dancing like snakes.
Mood: Enthusiasts
Beautiful groove. sounds like your at the discotheque somewhere in the 80s. You having eye contact with the girl on the different side of the dance floor, coming closer to her taking her waist and dancing like snakes.
Mood: Enthusiasts
2. Vestito Di Nero
This one is giving me the feeling of the police chase during the night somewhere in LA. The lights from the street blinding you, your friend shouting and you just silently going farther. Leaving your car on a side and running into the desert.
Mood: Escape
This one is giving me the feeling of the police chase during the night somewhere in LA. The lights from the street blinding you, your friend shouting and you just silently going farther. Leaving your car on a side and running into the desert.
Mood: Escape
3. Front Line
Nice industrial track. Time for your leather outfit and putting all your hair back and going to some kind of mission with your gang.
Mood: Activate
Nice industrial track. Time for your leather outfit and putting all your hair back and going to some kind of mission with your gang.
Mood: Activate
4. Masse Und Macht
Funky Town, the festival in the forest of the Karpaty for witches and vampires. The band comes on the stage, everyone is drinking blood, dancing in the moonlight. The frontman throwing his t-shirt into the fans.
Mood: Savage
Funky Town, the festival in the forest of the Karpaty for witches and vampires. The band comes on the stage, everyone is drinking blood, dancing in the moonlight. The frontman throwing his t-shirt into the fans.
Mood: Savage
5. Un Cuore Invincible
This one is exactly the track that I'll play in my headphones on the road to the Kirilovskaya 41st:)
Mood: Ready
This one is exactly the track that I'll play in my headphones on the road to the Kirilovskaya 41st:)
Mood: Ready
6. Schmerzfabrik
This track is for 4:20 AM when you're looking for the right place at the club to make a gravity bong.
Mood: Peeking
This track is for 4:20 AM when you're looking for the right place at the club to make a gravity bong.
Mood: Peeking